Our YouTube Channel

Welcome to my YouTube channel, I am so glad you are here! This channel is all about food, cooking, and the culinary arts, where you will find a variety of cooking and educational videos on a host of topics.

After you check out the channel, be sure to comment, say hello, and let me know what kind of videos or recipes you would like to see me make in the future! And of course, hit that SUBSCRIBE button to stay in the loop! 

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Hi, my name is Chef Colin Roche and I make a variety of culinary and educational videos geared to those who love food and cooking, want to learn, and have an interest in the culinary arts field.

Please subscribe to belong, participate, learn and contribute; I would love to connect with you as part of our community of learners. NEW videos are uploaded every other week or so for all people, all the time!


For media, booking, and sponsorship opportunities, contact me at: DrProfessorChef@gmail.com

I can also be found on:

LinkedIn: @ChefColinRoche

Twitter: @ChefRoche


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